WPL 423 tu apa? Selalu sangat aku tengok kod ni dekat patches ataupun tertulis pada label tag. So macam biasa, kenalah menyelam internet untuk tau jawapannya. Hahaha…
Rupa-rupanya, WPL 423 tu adalah singkatan untuk ‘Wool Products Label’. So, 423 tu merujuk kod WPL yang didaftarkan untuk Levi’s. Nah info pasal WPL ni dari website SteelZipper.com:![]() |
WPL 423 dekat patches / pai |
WPL # or Wool Products Label Number - A Number issued during 1941 -1959 by the Federal Trade Commission to the manufacturer of any wool product as a requirement of the Wool Products Labeling Act. Numbers were issued sequentially starting with 00101 (now referred to as 101) to and ending with 13699. This system was merged with the current RN# system that is still used to assign identification number to a garments manufacturer. Companies that were issued WPL number can still use this number to identify the company as the manufacturer of a current garment. For example, Levi Straus still identifies its product with a WPL # 423 on its labels. Therefore, merely dating a garment based on low WPL# does not mean it is vintage, unless the company went out of business at a known date, which was only state that the garment is at least as old as the date it went out of business. Identifying a WPL# can give a clue to a garments origin, but should not be used to date an item.
Secara ringkasnya, company US dulu-dulu yang jadi pengeluar atau pengilang produk kapas kena mendaftar produk diorang untuk mematuhi satu akta yang ditubuhkan. Nombor WPL ni bermula dengan 00101 dan berakhir dengan 13699 sebelum WPL ditukarkan dengan sistem RN# (Registered identification Number). Walaupun dah bertukar sistem, tapi setiap company masih boleh gunakan nombor WPL sampailah sekarang. Sebab tu la Levi’s masih lagi guna WPL 423 sebagai nombor pendaftaran kapas diorang. Lagi satu, nombor pendaftaran WPL yang rendah tak boleh beritahu kita pun usia sesuatu produk samada klasik atau baru, melainkanlah kita tau tarikh sesetengah company tu bungkus. Kalau tau tarikhnya, mestilah produk tu lebih berusia dari tarikh company tu tutup kan. Memang masuk akal la sebab jeans Levi’s baru atau lama pun masih guna nombor yang sama sampai sekarang.
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